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Hobbymate – Find your next hobby!

Hobbymate – Find your next hobby!

About the project

17 July 2020
Nickolet May

About the project

HobbyMate connects users to like minded people and helps them find activities going on in their vicinity. The social feed let's them find and connect with people with the same hobbies and interests while they can also find new friends to chat with and have a good time!

1. Signup/Login (Manual and facebook)
2. Questionnaire/Interests page
3. Create activity and find activity
4. Activity created by a user is shown as a post to people with same interests on their home feed
5. When activity is created user will be shown with suggested hobby mates and user can invite hobby mates based on their location, interest etc.
6. Creator of the activity can mark the activity as closed and open
a. Open activity is for public everyone can join it
i. Creator can set limit for number of people to join on open activity too. If that limits reaches then no one can join the activity
b. For closed activity people can request creator of activity to join
7. User can find activity based on interests, location and time
8. User can join or request to join an activity based on activity is open or close
9. There will be a one to one chat feature only in the app (no group chat, will explain reason on call)
a. Every user going to an activity or accepted by creator to join the activity can have a chat with creator of activity and can message one to one directly to an other person who is going to the activity
b. User can view profile of the creator and also participants (just basic info)
10. Reminders for activities
11. User can rate and leave a feedback on activities